The United States First Air Force B-52
Pilot, Lt. Kelly Flinn Accepts Discharge
May 25, 1997 1st. Lt. Kelly J.Flinn age 26, accepts general discharge in an effort to avoid a court martial for lying, disobeying orders and adultery. When the Air Force had learned of the affair, Flinn was told to end the relationship. However, Flinn agreed with her orders, but continued the relationship. As a result, the Air Force then pursued charges. Initially the Air Force was unwilling to offer Flinn a deal. However, in recent days the Pentagon had come under sharp criticism from members of Congress as well many Americans felt Flinn was being prosecuted only because she was a woman and that there had been a double standard. Under the terms of this discharge, Flinn will probably never be able to fly military airacraft, she will have to reimburse the Air Force $18,000 (the cost of a year’s tuition at the Air Force Academy) and is ineligible for pension and veteran’s benefits. Flinn Had been under charged with adultery of a civilian. |
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