Boeing Achieves Record 620 Commercial Airplane Deliveries for 1999
SEATTLE, January 3, 2000 - As of mid day December 29, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group successfully completed its 1999 production plan by delivering its 620th and final jetliner for the year, setting a record for commercial jet deliveries in a single year. The milestone jetliner was among four 717s delivered to a Boeing customer from the company's facility at Long Beach, Calif. The record is all the more remarkable since Boeing has also significantly improved its jetliner production process. All measures that Boeing uses to gauge its production health are at or below the ambitious targets set at the beginning of 1999. Boeing is on track to achieve further production improvements in the year 2000 when it will deliver about 480 jetliners to customers worldwide, 50 percent more than the nearest competitor. Nonstop range for the basic 717-200 with 106 passengers is 1,580 miles (2,545 km). |
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