The FAA Airmen Testing Center makes AvTEST 2000 the computer-generated written test software of choice for FAA Part 141 Flight Schools.
Fort Worth, Texas; February 1, 2000: Designed Ideas, Inc. has updated its AvTEST 2000 Knowledge Testing System for the Windows 95/98 platform and amended the software to make it compliant with new FAA data transmission regulations that went into effect January 1, 2000. As a result of these changes, the FAA has agreed to extend Part 141 Examining Authority to any AvTEST customer who meets its qualifications.
The new AvTEST 2000 is a software application that Part 141 Flight Schools can use to give, grade, and transmit results of FAA Approved Knowledge Tests, including all of the new data required by the FAA. AvTEST 2000’s simple Windows 95/98 interface makes the program easy to set up, use and make money with. Test-taking computers are not networked to a main server—in fact, the computers used for the testing station do not even require hard drives. Eliminating the network only increases test security and decreases setup costs.
Designed Ideas pioneered computer-based aviation examinations in 1986, producing the first software approved by the FAA. AvTEST has been used successfully ever since. Designed Ideas customers administered more than 439 written tests last year in one month alone! Satisfied customers write: "Letter quote goes here." Designed Ideas is dedicated to assisting and expanding the testing capabilities of Part 141 schools.
The following knowledge tests are available
for AvTEST 2000
· Instrument
Pilot Airplane
· Airline
Transport Pilot Airplane FAR 135
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